Once you have run a project and the images have been saved to you device you can open the encoder tab to create a video.
Note: You will need to have a enough space on your phone left after capture to allow you to encode the entire session.
Note: For very long capture sessions you are better off transferring the session images to a PC or Mac to encode the session.
Section 1: VIDEO ENCODER SETTINGS – To expand the settings touch the Coffee Cup Icon
Once expanded you have 3 settings you can change:
- The Quality Slider – The further to the right this is the slower the encoding will be.
- The Frame Rate Slider – This is the frame rate the video will have once encoded.
- The Rotate Slider – If you need to flip or rotate the output by 90 degree increments you can do that here.
Note: Encoding can take along time especially on a older phone!
Section 2: TIMELAPSE READY TO ENCODE – Here you will find a thumbnails of the time-lapse which can be encoded.
- Delete Icon – Delete the session from your phone.
- Main Session Icon – Tap to begin encode using the settings in the Video Encoder Settings panel.
- Up File Icon – Upload session to google drive. Note: You must have logged into Google Drive for this to work.
- Up Folder Icon – Upload the session to your FTP site
If you want to look at encoding on your PC or Mac, Blender & Virtual Dub (PC Only) and FFMPEG are good options.
With very long capture sessions they are the best option as you are limited by the space available and speed of your phone.